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Class of 2020

Graduation Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2020

The circumstances surrounding COVID-19 created a unique graduating experience for the Class of 2020. To provide a responsibly safe ceremony, the Board of Education unanimously approved a modified high school graduation plan that allowed each senior a chance to walk across the stage but still adhered to Governor Cooper's Executive Order prohibiting mass gatherings. The plan included both a "Drive-in" ceremony between June 1 and 12 and an opportunity for a traditional July ceremony (if conditions warrant the ability to safely hold traditional ceremonies while protecting the health and safety of staff, students, and parents).

Parents and students are invited to download the following photos at no cost and watch the videos of the ceremony.
Congratulations to the Class of 2020! We are so proud of you! 

Professional Photographs

Download Photos from the Graduation Ceremony!

We are pleased to provide professional photographs of each graduating senior available for download at no cost. Click on the link below to access photos from all three graduation ceremonies.

Click here to download your photos today!

Full-Length Videos

Highlight Videos


I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known. Anonymous