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Teachers of the Year

Jordan Reekes - Dare County Schools 2024 Teacher of the Year

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Dare County Schools 2024-2025 Teachers of the Year graphic with teacher headshots.
Congratulations to our 2024 - 2025 Teachers and Classified Employees of the Year. These annual awards recognize outstanding educators who are lead, innovative, and inspire. The passion they bring to their classroom and field make an impact throughout the school year and beyond. 

Teachers of the Year: 2024-2025

Cape Hatteras Elementary School

 Beverly Hagy

Beverly Hagy, teacher of the year at Cape Hatteras Elementary


First Flight Elementary School 

Jennifer Kresicki

Jennifer Kresicki headshot. Teacher of the year at First Flight Elementary

First Flight Middle School 

Trasa Rossi

Trasa Rossi headshot. Teacher of the year at First Flight Middle


Manteo Elementary School 

Jordan Reekes

Jordan Reekes. Teacher of the Year at Manteo Elementary


Manteo Middle School 

Zach Alexander

Zach Alexander headshot. Teacher of the year at Manteo Middle.

Cape Hatteras Secondary School 

Alicia Minns

Alicia Minns headshot. Teacher of the year at Cape Hatteras Secondary School


First Flight High School 

Hunter Anderson

Hunter Anderson headshot. Teacher of the Year at First Flight High

Kitty Hawk Elementary School 

Elizabeth Ryan

Liz Ryan headshot. Teacher of the year at Kitty Hawk Elementary


Manteo High School 

Emily DiNoto

Emily DiNoto headshot. Teacher of the year at Manteo High.


Nags Head Elementary School 

Lauren Dibble Bradshaw

Lauren Dibble Bradshaw headshot. Teacher of the year at Nags Head Elementary

Classified Employees of the Year: 2024-2025

Cape Hatteras Elementary School

Jane Allen 

Jane Allen headshot.


First Flight Elementary School 

Katie Weaver

Katie Weaver headshot.

First Flight Middle School 

Shayna Cherington 

Shayna Cherington headshot


Manteo Elementary School 

Mirian Barrera Membreno

Mirian Barrera Membreno headshot

Manteo Middle School 

Billy Rainey

Billy Rainey headshot

Cape Hatteras Secondary School 

Melinda Cartwright

Melinda Cartwright employee at Cape Hatteras Secondary School

First Flight High School 

Shannon Ewers

Shannon Ewers headshot


Kitty Hawk Elementary School 

Shelley Myers

Shelley Meyer Headshot


Manteo High School 

Samantha Keith

Samantha Keith headshot


Nags Head Elementary School 

Katiba Basnight 

Katiba Basnight headshot