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National Board Certified Teachers

Dare County Schools Elementary teacher reads to classroom while young male student points to page.

About National Board Certification

National Board Certification is a highly respected certification for PreK-12 educators that identifies teaching expertise through a performance-based, peer-reviewed assessment. This advanced professional certification offers numerous benefits to teachers, students and schools. The mission of National Board is to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide.

While teacher licensure systems set the basic requirements to teach in each state, completion of National Board Certification signifies that teachers have voluntarily gone much further. NBCTs have developed and demonstrated the advanced knowledge, skills and practices required of an outstanding educator.

Currently there are 74 NBCTs working in Dare County Schools.

Elevating teaching, empowering teachers

Dare County Schools is one of the top National Board Accomplished Districts in the country with 74 National Board Certified Teachers.

Congratulations to Our New & Renewed NBCTs

New National Board Certified Teachers for 2024

Ann Ball, Levi Curles, Melissa Haight, Emily Martin, Allison Rhodes, and Nancy Roberson 

Maintenance of Certification Teachers for 2024

Melody Cuthrell Alexander, Erin Basilone, Katie Blanchard, Ellen Bryson, Nicole Farrell, Evan Ferguson, Rachael Isler, Kaley Kiffner, Cassidy Mascio, Kelsey Oglesby, Laura Piland, and Jessica Polk

National Board Certified Teachers

Melody Alexander Krystal Goris Jeanne Mouser
Hunter Anderson Kristin Gray Tricia Nicewonger
Ann Ball Jenna Gray Kelsey Oglesby
Erin Basilone Melissa Haight Suzanne Pack
Suzanne Blackstock Stacy Hanf Laurie Parker
Katie Blanchard Steve Hanf Laura Piland
Shannon Brinkley Tami Harper Jessica Polk
Ellen Bryson Marcie Haywood Amy Powell
John Buford Kathy Heinrich Sherree Price
Kallie Byrum Debbie Hester Penny Pugh
Diane Childress Shelly Honeycutt Allison Rhodes
Helen Corbett Carrie Houseknecht Nancy Roberson
Levi Curles Rachael Isler Trasa Rossi
Triva Day Lisa Johnson Elizabeth Ryan
Lauren Deal Tracey Jones Chris Seal
Patricia Decker Beth Kelly Sherry Smalley
Erin DelMonte Kaley Kiffner Amanda Songer
Kimberly Dickson Holly King Christy Spinella
Emily DiNoto Jennifer Kresicki Hillary Szalkiewicz
Lea Dixon Mari Beth LaRose DeAnna Thornley
Kelly Doliber Hannah Magee Dawn Tillett
Esther Doxey Emily Martin Colby Voight
Kristin Dyer Cassidy Mascio Jennifer Walston
Lisa Earley Lisa Mathews Lisa Watson
Nicole Farrell Christy May John Welch
Natasha Farrow Sean McCroskey Leslie Wiles
Evan Ferguson Evan Mechak Michelle Winters
Ashlee Garcia Tess Meekins Maria Wise
    Jennifer Witter


Benefits for Students

  • Students of NBCTs demonstrate evidence of deeper learning, nearly three times more frequently than their peers
  • Students of NBCTs gain one to two months of additional learning compared to their peers in other classrooms
  • Positive impact on minority and low-income students.

How Dare County Schools Supports
National Board Certification

  • Mentorships with NBCTs in Dare County
  • National Board study groups and support sessions
  • Educator grants available through the Dare Education Foundation
  • In North Carolina, NBCTs move to a new salary schedule upon achieving National Board Certification, resulting in a 12 percent salary increase.

For more information, contact Diane Childress