Employment Opportunities at Dare County Schools
We are hiring! Join our dedicated team of educators and support staff who are committed to providing an exceptional education and positive learning environment for our students. Here, you will find information about current job openings and the benefits of working with us. Explore the opportunities available and discover how you can contribute to the success and growth of our vibrant school community.
View Dare County Schools' Job Board
Visit our jobs board for a full list of available positions.
Our new employment application system streamlines the hiring process, offering an enhanced and user-friendly experience for applicants. Click below to view all available positions. To apply, simply click the 'Apply' icon next to the desired position and follow the instructions.
Explore Our Competitive Compensation Package
Employee Verification
Dare County Schools participates in E-Verify to electronically verify the employment eligibility of all its newly hired employees. Below are posters that provide more information about the E-Verify system and 'Your Right To Work".
E-Verify Poster (English and Spanish Version)
E-Verify Poster (English and Spanish Version)
Employee Retirement and Resignation
Staff who plan to resign or retire from Dare County Schools must:
- Inform their direct supervisor of their intent
- Complete the notification form. Please do not complete this form until you have informed your direct supervisor.
Complete Retirement/Resignation Form
Once the form is completed, it will be shared with your direct supervisor and the Human Resource Department. This form is not binding until formally accepted by the Board of Education.
Are you interested in becoming a substitute teacher?
Dare County Schools is always seeking interested individuals to become substitute teachers in the district. A qualified substitute teacher is vital to continuing student learning in the absence of the regular classroom teacher. Learn more about our substitute teacher application process below:Click here to become a certified substitute teacher!
SmartFind Substitute Teacher Resources
Nondiscrimination Policies and Contacts
It is the policy of Dare County Schools to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability or age in all programs and activities.
The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
- Reida Roberts, Section 504
- Caitlin Spruill, Title IX
- Caitlin Spruill, Title I
Each may be contacted by mail - c/o Dare County Schools, PO Box 1508, Nags Head, NC 27959 and/or by phone (252) 480-8888.