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Check This Out!

Keith Parker

The Dare County Board of Education met on September 5 in a special called meeting to review operational procedures for the 2021 school year.
A summary of the decisions approved by the Board of Education:

  1. Require masks indoors in all Dare County School facilities. This is effective Thursday, September 2, 2021. Anyone who enters a school district facility must wear a face mask.
  2. The Board voted to allow a virtual learning change of status up to Monday, September 6 at 5:00 pm. The change status will remain for the entire first semester. An email will be sent to all parents/guardians tomorrow morning. The email will include a link where you can go into PowerSchool and either (A.) Request that your student comes out of virtual or (B.) Goes into the virtual program. 
  3. DCS will limit nonessential visitors as determined by the lead administrator of the facility.
  4. DCS will provide a link on it's COVID-19 page to the Dare County Department of Health and Human Services.

Click here to view the live video of the meeting.